Multidimensionnal individual & collective attitude Analysis toward Risk and Time
MT180 - 4Avril2018
Abstract - 5mars2019
2020CrisisPrediction - 5mars2019
phd172020.pdf - 11Decembre2019
MT180 - 10Mars2020
OneTwoEarth - 13Novembre2020
ProspectTheory - 11Decembre2020

Seminaire - 1Avril2021

Respect authors and content integrity


PSYCHONOMETROS(A.DePalma) - 18Decembre2020
La santé (individuelle) - L'économie (collective) - Eviter les mélanges, y compris en Sciences
Econométrie(N.Picard) - 1Septembre2007
Merci à tous mes professeurs, quel que soit leur métier.
Kaya equation&The Limits to Growth - 1972
"D'ici à ce que vos enfants ai mon age..." - JMJ -
Nous étions déjà 3^2^10, nous sommes bientôt 2^3^11 ... 50nuances de shiftProject


UtilityCurveAggregation.pdf (unpuplished SEHO 2018)
CoupleCurvesAggregation.pdf (unpublished yet 2019)
Etude.pdf (study in progress)



The thesis is about risk and time. L'économie : faire de son mieux avec ce qu'on a, c'est miniser nos dépenses - Life optimisation is longevity.
Stupid young man consider risk is individual. Spouses shares their lives and risks. Individual risk is death. Couple risk is divorce or birth. Collective risk is finite physics dimension of Earth. Space and Time resources both empty, agressivity and anxiety destroy humanity.
Nous sommes trop nombreux. Le seul risque économique c'est la solitude.

Group risk and loss aversion (θ,λ) seems to harmonicaly and arithmeticaly means individual caracteristics while probability weighting (γ) fit better to geometric means. First, analyse of what we could measure and how. Second, how individual measured params evolve in a couple, a group.
Earth: humans are 8 billions, psychonometric aggregation of individual caracteristics still makes sence but at planet scale, collective objective to maximize is probably not an amount of $ or € but should rather be a finite quantity of time: Mankind life expectency. biblio.pdf
